Everyone wants perfectly healthy body, but more and more people are losing it.There are so many Modern Dieases are attrack our life, Cancer, High Cholesterol, hypertension,and also Chronic Fatigue.
Many person can’t image the situation that the doctor tell her or him have get Chornic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS).They will feel they are so terrible and be exhausted all the time. Yes, people with CFS have to face the truth that the others will tell you are not really sick, but your health is not very well.Usually they are depressed and the words CFS will in their head for a long.Doctors say, the people with it have more rate to become a whiner and be negative.So, they need help.
Maybe the most effection help is come from the their family and their friends.No one want to be a patient with hypochondriacs , especially for reason of the CFS.It is very common for them to tell their story: “ I have Chronic fatigue, I don't feel well”,and they will be glad if they could get the feedback that like “Oh, I am so sorry , but I think I have the CFS too.” Whatever it is true or not , that is a kind of consolation.
Because scientists still have not the best test to diagnose the CFS, sometimes it is very hard for people who think they are not healthy to tell the around people that they are sick. It may bring some bad consequence,like strain marriages, drive friends apart,and also more stress for work. The CFS often makes people feeling isolated ,with great depressions, and frequently goes along with any debilitating illness.
There are many guidelines for people with CFS, medications, supplements from healthy food, changing the life-style , etc. they will be effect ,but it will take a lone time to feel better, and it is a difficult process for everyone .So far, there is no drug is approved for treating CFS, and no treatment really works for everyone. CFS can take people out of their normal life ,and rob them of their ability to work , exercise, think clearly, especialy get health.It is the result of widespread dysfunction in the body, although it is difficult to treat it , but the best guidelines is the belief from the people who is fighting with CFS , and the support from them around, the emotional support and completely understanding.

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The former articals I have talking about the conception of the Chrnic fatigue . This time , I will write some information about the signs for Chronic Fatigue.
The first sign is “tired” or “extreme tired”. Some people think is a common symptom due to busy life-style and lack enough exercises.
But scientists say, this is a premonition for your body is out of balnace and will shut down.
Beyond the “extreme tired”, there are some aspects of lives reflect the different mix of symptoms and levels of severity.
First condition is about sleep, that is your sleep that is not refeshing.Not just like sleeplessness, the problem is that you couldn’t get throught it. Mostly you always worried about how quality about your sleep are and how long you will take, etc. Doctors say, this deeply worried and anxious spirits will get your symptoms worse.
The second one is that Headaches. It is a problem that people also will ignore it . This Headaches is not a short time one, it means Chronic. Different people could have different condition, like someone just feel it before sleep or wake up, and other one may don’t feel good during some part time of a whole day, some one could feel little lasting pain, but other one’s feeling maybe stronger.whatever it looks like ,it really a problem.
Then, the popular symptom is that Muscle and joint aches.Many people think it is a result due to the exercises go beyond the limits.It is wrong, most people who deal with CFS are not old, but they very easily to feel aches aroud their body, especialy the muscle and joint, whatever they do more or less exercises even when busy with jobs.Why? The CFS is the answer.
Finally, the last problem is sore throat.The case is that you feel thirst and you are always feel your body is dry. You should get supply of water most of the time, once you are too busy to forget it , you will find you are sick.

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Chronic Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Synrome(CFS) is not just being tired a lot.CFS can interfere everyone’s lives with make it get dysfunction.People with CFS usually feel they can not keep their responsibilities at home and on the job. Others are even severely disabled and bedridden. In fact, they are not just faighting with the extreme fatigue , they are dealing with the a wide range of other symptoms.
People may get flu-like symptoms and chronic pain when they get the CFS,But beyond the symproms, it is the root causes of the CFS.
After years of research, scientists suspect that there is something called “central sensitization” paetly blame for the Chronic fatigue.The CDC says, experts found the the first credible evidence of a biological basis for CFS came in 2006.They found the genes that link the illness involved the sympathetic nervous system, these genes control the responds from your body when you get injuries and stress.
Many researchers believe some causes of CFS are from the abnormal reaction to common infectious illness like some virus.Recently studies show that the root causes of the CFS is the immune system may be chronically active in people with CFS, which is could explain why they usually feel lacking energy. In fact , your body think you are ill, and will fight with the infection, that could take more energy. The experts give the evidence for the immune system activation include the dcreased function of natural killer (NK) cells, rduced response of T cells to specific infectious agents, pesence of autoantibodies,etc.

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Living with Chronic Fatigue

Writer Chyi On 08:49:00 0 Commentary
We all tired, most part of our life time, we are busying with everything, with family, with children, with parents,also with jobs! We get too much pressures in our modern life, we get too little attention about our body and our health.
Everyone is talking about Modern life style, and every doctor is emphasizing the 'Chronic Fatigue'.
Don't let it shut downs your body!
What is Chronic Fatigue? Chronic Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), means someone always feel tired for long time, this fatrigue can't be recovered by a rest. This kind of fatigue often lasting for a period, while could be worsen with physical or mental activity.Some people, will be suffered with Chronic fatigue, they usually get great stress from jobs and family, but scientists point out that , acctually women are diagnosed with CFS far more often than men are.
Why?Maybe women are more sensitive, maybe they always think more things for jobs,especailly for the family. Whatever the reason it is, the truth is that we all facing with the pressure, we all losing our healthy life style, we are suffering with or will get the 'CFS'.
The Chronic fatigue is not a disease,but is worse than any disease. Medical scientists say, it is very different for the people with CFS deal with everyday is that they couldn't get through it.their body needs real rest not just a time for sleep.
So, Most people are regularly tired for a time, they could trace it from the aspect of lives.they don't have enough sleep, they are too busy,their body lack exercises, they always eat fast-food, etc. however, this conditions are not healthy, but they have became a part of life. Scientists also say, people with CFS don't have a obvious acuse of it, but ,they are no longer healthy when the day come whatever they think how perfectly healthy they are.
Yes, mostly, CFS comes on suddenly.Many cases start like a flu-like illness, and then some sympotoms never go away.Many Sympotoms are like extreme tired, Muscle and Joint pain, feeling negative,etc. Howerver, people's body are fending the virus and toxin, but they will find the tablet couldn't works well , still feeling so bad!
The truth is that our body are working so hard all the time, especially when we are sick with CFS, it is the reason why we get so tired.Not just our body, some cognitive problems associated with CFS will severe. Such as he or she may become forgetful, be unable to recall common words, frequently lose a train of thought, or sometimes become confused,etc.
Because scientists and doctors don't yet have a good diagnostic test for CFS, sometimes it's hard for people with the condition to convince the people around them they're really sick.But they say, there are still many good treatment for the CFS, many people have revcovered their health through these gidelines.
Next article I will tell you some root causes with the CFS.

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Do I have Chrnoic Fatigue ?

Writer Chyi On 06:57:00 0 Commentary
Today,more and more medical scientists and doctors are talking about one thing, 'Chronic Fatigue' or 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS)'. Maybe you listen to it first time, or mayebe you have heard it before,but it is very important is that 'Chronic Fatigue ' is not a real diease, sometimes it worse than any diease! Don't believe it ?
Searching for this word on Internet,you will find many information about it.For example, you could see it on the 'Wikipedia ', says like it: 'CFS is the most common name given to a poorly understood, variably debilitating disorder or disorders of uncertain causation.' So CFS is compilicated and characterized by each person who is 'living with it'.
Someone will think 'Chronic Fatigue Syndome' just a symptoms of 'Fatigue'. Yes, it also fatigue, but it is not a common fatigue.You will feel debilitated, have no energy to do something you want to do when you get sick, that is a common fatigue. But , if you always get this feeling like having some illnesses while actually you think you are healthy. You should pay attention about 'CFS'.
Come back to the explaination from the 'Wikipedia': 'widespread muscle and joint pain, cognitive difficulties, chronic, often severe mental and physical exhuastion and other characteristic symptoms in a previously healthy and active person.'Sounds terrblely, but it just a Medicine conception, not everyone who is thinking he or she is suffering with CFS really have so many symptoms ! So, Be relaxed and don't worry about it !
In a person's lifetime, CFS is a may occur after an infection, such as a cold or a viral illness, just you will feel extreme fatigue when you are sick. But It may improve quickly with a bed-rest .The second condition is that you will refreash your body after a long time, and you may attracked by some other illnesses during this period. At last, also the worst conditon is that you always being not feeling well.For example, you have a headche for a long time , you feeling your muscle as chronic pain, you are losing your activity gradualy, you will get upset frequently when your friends don't arrage with your points, also you have sleeplessness , and so on.
If you really have same symptoms in the last conditon or the sencond one, whatever you think how healthy you are , you are being with 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'. Take care about this , get help from your doctor and your friends, be active and optimistic , it is not horrible, and there are many good guidlines for recovering your healthy, it is true, beleive it !!
The next article, I will give some experiences be living with the 'CFS' also with some guidelines for fighting it .

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Fighting Chronic Fatigue