The first sign is “tired” or “extreme tired”. Some people think is a common symptom due to busy life-style and lack enough exercises.
But scientists say, this is a premonition for your body is out of balnace and will shut down.
Beyond the “extreme tired”, there are some aspects of lives reflect the different mix of symptoms and levels of severity.
First condition is about sleep, that is your sleep that is not refeshing.Not just like sleeplessness, the problem is that you couldn’t get throught it. Mostly you always worried about how quality about your sleep are and how long you will take, etc. Doctors say, this deeply worried and anxious spirits will get your symptoms worse.
The second one is that Headaches. It is a problem that people also will ignore it . This Headaches is not a short time one, it means Chronic. Different people could have different condition, like someone just feel it before sleep or wake up, and other one may don’t feel good during some part time of a whole day, some one could feel little lasting pain, but other one’s feeling maybe stronger.whatever it looks like ,it really a problem.
Then, the popular symptom is that Muscle and joint aches.Many people think it is a result due to the exercises go beyond the limits.It is wrong, most people who deal with CFS are not old, but they very easily to feel aches aroud their body, especialy the muscle and joint, whatever they do more or less exercises even when busy with jobs.Why? The CFS is the answer.
Finally, the last problem is sore throat.The case is that you feel thirst and you are always feel your body is dry. You should get supply of water most of the time, once you are too busy to forget it , you will find you are sick.
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